GAMES: Game during bye request , Freely movable game , Blocked out time , Preferred time
TEAMS: selected Team , releated Team , related team of opponent , My Friend Team , Teams that selected me as friend , Enemy , bye for all games , bye for some games , game during preferred time , game outside preferred time , Bad time between games available slots
Team name inlucdes
Name (gender age)
(standing/change in standing since beginning of season/level 0-5) (0=rec to 5=gold)
available slots not blocked due to bye request scheduled so far+games scheduled this week:
Example: United 97-A (GU14) (4635/+335/4) 67 15.8+2
Game Key:
O: open game slot, click on it to schedule a game for those two teams
*: game scheduled for this week, click on it to remove this game
A-Z: games played 1 (A), 2 (B), etc weeks ago, green for win, red for loss, dark for big win/loss, greenblue for tie, hover to see exact score
a-l: games scheduled in 1 (a), 2 (b), etc weeks
You can click on '*' to remove a game, and on 'O' to schedule one in table below, you can move games by clicking on the 'H' of the first one, and then the 'H' of the second on (in the time table) When creating a schedule make sure to even out the number of games each team has played so far, match teams that are close in rankings, match teams at most twice, 1 or 2 games per team per weekend (this schedule does not show friends/enemies as we consider that information confidential)